Environmental Monitoring Shreeji

Environmental Monitoring Services

Shreeji Lab has been involved its Calibration for conserving the environment. It has been involved in various projects in base data generation and EIA, EMP studies for a large number of projects in Housing, Infrastructure, Industries and Refineries etc.

Shreeji Lab has one of the largest base of experienced & dedicated staff in Environmental Data Management & Monitoring.

Monitoring & Sampling Facilities

➽ Ambient Air Quality Sampling

➽ Stack Sampling & Analysis (including Fugitive Emission)

➽ Indoor air Sampling & Analysis

➽ Surface and ground water Sampling

➽ Solid & Hazardous Waste, Identification & Characterization

➽ Noise Monitoring & Data Analysis

➽ Meteorological & Data Analysis

Laboratories Facilities

➽ Complete range of Water Testing

➽ Influent and Effluent Wastewater Testing

➽ Testing for Hazardous Substances (Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr, PBBs, PBDEs)

➽ Physical, Chemical and Biological testing of solid waste and soil

➽ Dioxin/furan, Acute, and Chronic toxicity testing

➽ WEEE/RoHS/ELV/E-waste Analysis, Heavy Metals

➽ PolyAromatic Hydrocarbons & Volatile Organic Compounds

➽ Indoor Monitoring