Petroleum Products Shreeji

Petroleum Products Testing

Petroleum, which literally means “Rock Oil” or “Oil from the Earth”, was formed from the remains of plants & animals that lived millions of years ago (Pre-Dinosaur age) in a marine environment. Subsequent decomposition of those remains (over millions of years) by application of heat & pressure (due to burial) by deposition of sand & silt over them led to the formation of “Crude Oil” or Petroleum. It is one of the 3 Fossil fuels, viz., Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum, that occur in our nature, & is composed of a complex mixture of different types of hydrocarbons along-with a number of elemental impurities, like Sulfur, Nitrogen, Oxygen, etc. Due to wide variations in the origin of Petroleum products, they vary considerably in terms of their Physico-Chemical properties & appearances, from one Oilfield to other.

The separation of Crude Petroleum into its various individual fractions (called ‘Petroleum Products’), like Petrol, Diesel, & Naphtha, take place in a ‘Petroleum Refinery’ by a process called ‘Refining’, which consists of 3 steps: (1) Separation (2) Conversion & (3) Purification. There are 4 major types of Petroleum fractions, depending upon their Chemical Bonding patterns:

1) Paraffins (2) Olefins (3) Naphthenes & (4) Aromatics

Depending upon their usage, Petroleum Products can be broadly divided into 2 types, ‘Fuel Oil’ & ‘Lubricants’. Characterization of these products in terms of a number of Physico-Chemical properties, like Viscosity, Octane number, Cetane number, Distillation range, is of utmost importance in determining the suitability of a particular Petroleum Product for the purpose of its intended use, transportation, storage, & other functions.

Some of the Petroleum Products tested by Shreeji Laboratary are as follows:

  • 🔸 Solid Fuels – Coal, Coke, Wood
  • 🔸 Diesel – High Speed Diesel (HSD), Low Diesel Oil (LDO), Bio-diesel
  • 🔸 Insulating Oils – Transformer Oil, Mineral Inhibiting Oil
  • 🔸 Lubricating Oils – Lubricating Grease, Engine Oil, Gear Oil, Spindle Oil, Turpentine Oil, Brake Fluid, Gasoline, Kerosene
  • 🔸 Hydraulic Fluids – Hydraulic Oil, Anti-wear Hydraulic Oil, Fire Resistant Oil
  • 🔸 Carbon-Rich Materials – Activated Carbon, Graphite
  • 🔸 Hard-grove Grindability Index
  • 🔸 Metal Lube Oil – Cutting Oil, Quenching Oil, Turbine Oil
  • 🔸 Furnace Oils

Test Parameters of Petroleum Products (Routine & Specialized Tests)s

  • 🔸 Ferrography/Used Oil Analysis/Machine Condition Monitoring
  • 🔸 Program (SOAP)
  • 🔸 Viscosity
  • 🔸 Flash point
  • 🔸 Fire point
  • 🔸 Cloud point
  • 🔸 Density
  • 🔸 Pour point
  • 🔸 Congealing Point
  • 🔸 Conardson carbon residue (CCR)
  • 🔸 Water & sediments
  • 🔸 Trace Metals Analysis
  • 🔸 Total Acid number (TAN)
  • 🔸 Total Base number (TBN)
  • 🔸 Neutralization value
  • 🔸 Sulphur content
  • 🔸 Distillation Range
  • 🔸 Aniline point
  • 🔸 Dielectric Strength of Transformer Oils
  • 🔸 Cetane number
  • 🔸 Copper strip corrosion
  • 🔸 Additives Content Depletion
  • 🔸 Wear metals - Ca, Mg, Na, K, Mo, Cu, Cr, Zn, P, Ba, B, Al, Pb, Mn, Ni, Si, V, Sn, Ag, Fe etc.,

Some of the Standard Test Methods, Protocols, & Specifications adopted/followed by Shreeji Laboratary are as follows:

  • 🔸 Indian Standards (IS) of BIS
  • 🔸 American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM)
  • 🔸 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • 🔸 American Petroleum Institute (API)
  • 🔸 German Standards (DIN)
  • 🔸 International Petroleum (IP) Standards
  • 🔸 Other International Standards &Customer-specified Methods

Major Equipments used for Testing

  • 🔸 Automatic Bomb Calorimeter (Innovated by Shreeji Laboratary)
  • 🔸 Gas Chromatograph (FID & ECD Detectors)
  • 🔸 Gas Chromatograph (FID & ECD Detectors)
  • 🔸 Proximate Analyzer
  • 🔸 Ash Fusion Tester
  • 🔸 Karl Fischer Titrator
  • 🔸 Aniline Point Apparatus
  • 🔸 Flash Point Apparatus (Abel)
  • 🔸 Flash Point Apparatus (PMCC)
  • 🔸 Flash Point Apparatus (COC)
  • 🔸 K.Viscosity Bath
  • 🔸 Pour Point /Cloud Point Apparatus
  • 🔸 Red Wood Viscometer
  • 🔸 Oil Breakdown Voltage (BDV) Tester
  • 🔸 Dissolved Gas Extractor
  • 🔸 Resistivity Meter
  • 🔸 Tan Delta Meter
  • 🔸 Oil Testing Centrifuge
  • 🔸 TSS Filtration Apparatus
  • 🔸 Carbon Residue Apparatus
  • 🔸 Melting Point Apparatus
  • 🔸 Congealing Point Tester

K.Viscosity Bath

Pour Point /Cloud Point Apparatus

Red Wood Viscometer

Oil Breakdown Voltage (BDV) Tester

Dissolved Gas Extractor

Resistivity Meter

Tan Delta Meter

Oil Testing Centrifuge

TSS Filtration Apparatus

Carbon Residue Apparatus

Melting Point Apparatus

Congealing Point Tester