Metals & Alloy Testing Shreeji

Metal and Alloys

Metal and Alloys are integral to Industrial growth. be it in construction of structure, building of machinery or processing raw materials into finished products. Equipment and Components in giant industries like Power Plants are exposed to different operating conditions and exhibit aging effects of various degrees depending on the service severity and period. Working with damaged machinery not only a effects the performance and output. but also involves risk of catastrophic failure. Such parts and components need to be repaired or replaced at the appropriate time avoiding in scheduled plantoutages. SHREEJILAB plays an important role in analysing and certifying all types of components of Metal and Alloys by conventional methods like Chemical/Mechanical, Non Destructive Testing and by using sophisticated instruments.

Thrust Areas


  • ➾ Products
  • ➾ Parameters
  • ➾ Instrumentation
  • ➾ Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
  • ➾ Protocols


  • ➾ Specialized Studies
  • ➾ Project
  • ➾ Inspection
  • ➾ Consultancy

1. Products

Structural Materials

  • ➾ Stainless Steel
  • ➾ Tor Steel
  • ➾ Structural Steel
  • ➾ Cast steel
  • ➾ Iron Steel
  • ➾ Mild Steel
  • ➾ Tool Steel


  • ➾ Lead Base Alloys
  • ➾ Copper Base Alloys
  • ➾ Aluminum Base Alloys
  • ➾ Zinc Base Alloys
  • ➾ Tin Base Alloys
  • ➾ Iron Base Alloys
  • ➾ Nickel Base Alloys
  • ➾ Chromium Base Alloys
  • ➾ Magnesium Base Alloys
  • ➾ Cobalt Base Alloys
  • ➾ Tungsten Base Alloys
  • ➾ Titanium Base Alloys

Ferro Alloys

  • ➾ Ferro Chromium
  • ➾ Ferro Manganese
  • ➾ Ferro Vanadium
  • ➾ Ferro Titanium
  • ➾ Ferro Molybdenum
  • ➾ Ferro Boron
  • ➾ Ferro Tungsten
  • ➾ Ferro Phosphates


  • ➾ Mild Steel
  • ➾ Cast Iron Pipe
  • ➾ Grey Iron Pipe

Unique Tests:

☸ Radiography (ASTM E1030)

☸ Corrosion testing, Mineral Analysis

☸ Prototyping of heat treatment processes.

Precious Metals

  • ➾ Silver Leaf
  • ➾ Refined Silver
  • ➾ Relined Palladium
  • ➾ Relined Gold
  • ➾ Relined Platinum
  • ➾ Nickel Silver Sheet
  • ➾ Silver Tin Dental Amalgam
  • ➾ Silver Base Gold Thread

Corrosion Studies

  • ➾ Anodized Aluminum Coating
  • ➾ Phosphate Treatment of Steel and Iron
  • ➾ Silver coated Mirror
  • ➾ Copper Coated Mirror

Metallic Coatings

  • ➾ Galvanized Steel Sheet
  • ➾ Mild Steel Tube
  • ➾ Anoxic Coating
  • ➾ Gold Coating
  • ➾ Silver Coating
  • ➾ Chromium Coating
  • ➾ Tin plate Cane
  • ➾ Silvered Glass Mirrors
  • ➾ Phosphate Coating
  • ➾ Parameters


  • ➾ Leading Brass Ingots
  • ➾ Brass Dia Casting
  • ➾ Free Cutting Brass Bars
  • ➾ Free Cutting Brass Rods
  • ➾ High Tensile Brass Ingots
  • ➾ Gate and Hutter Hooks
  • ➾ Copper all of Fancy Single Taps

Metallic coatings

  • ➾ Mass of Zinc Coating
  • ➾ Powder Coating
  • ➾ Chromium Coating
  • ➾ Mass of Tin coating
  • ➾ Silver Coating
  • ➾ Gold Coating
  • ➾ Anodic Coating
  • ➾ Nickel Coating
  • ➾ Parameters


  • ➾ Phosphor Bronze Ingots
  • ➾ Leaded Brass Ingots
  • ➾ Brazing Alloy


  • ➾ Carbon
  • ➾ Sulphur
  • ➾ Phosphorous
  • ➾ Manganese
  • ➾ Nickel
  • ➾ Selenium
  • ➾ Gold
  • ➾ Tin
  • ➾ Mercury
  • ➾ Mechanical Parameters
  • ➾ Tensile Strength
  • ➾ Yield Stress
  • ➾ Hardness
  • ➾ Corrosion Resistance
  • ➾ Non Destructive test
  • ➾ Internal defects
  • ➾ Coating Thickness
  • ➾ Grain Size
  • ➾ Inclusion Rating
  • ➾ Chromium
  • ➾ Vanadium
  • ➾ Boron
  • ➾ Niobium
  • ➾ Coralt
  • ➾ Tellurium
  • ➾ Silver
  • ➾ Antimony
  • ➾ Zirconium
  • ➾ Bend
  • ➾ Rebind
  • ➾ Grain Size
  • ➾ Weight per Meter
  • ➾ Wall Thickness
  • ➾ Microstructure
  • ➾ Case Depth
  • ➾ Molybdenum
  • ➾ Tungsten
  • ➾ Iron
  • ➾ Copper
  • ➾ Titanium
  • ➾ Beryllium
  • ➾ Platinum
  • ➾ Strontium
  • ➾ Magnesium
  • ➾ Dimensions
  • ➾ Elongation
  • ➾ Impact Strenght
  • ➾ Surface defects
  • ➾ Salt Spray/CASS test
  • ➾ Decarburization
  • ➾ Zinc
  • ➾ Lead
  • ➾ Cadmium
  • ➾ Silicon
  • ➾ Aluminum
  • ➾ Arsenic
  • ➾ Palladium
  • ➾ Bismuth
  • ➾ Mercury


  • ➾ Universal Testing Machine 10/100 tons
  • ➾ Image Analyzer
  • ➾ Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
  • ➾ Inductively Coupled Plasma
  • ➾ UV-visible Spectrophotometer
  • ➾ Stroehlein's Analyzer
  • ➾ Electro Analyzer
  • ➾ Micro Hardness Tester
  • ➾ Dye Penetraton Instrument
  • ➾ Ultra Sonic Flaw Detector
  • ➾ Salt Spray Chamber
  • ➾ Impact Testing Machine
  • ➾ BNF Jet Coating Thickness Tester
  • ➾ Eddy Current Coating Thickness Tester
  • ➾ Magnaflux Surface Cracks Tester
  • ➾ Metallurgical Microscope
  • ➾ Brinell / Rockwell / Vickers Hardness Testers

Non Destructive Testing

Non Destructive Testing (NDT) has been traditionally used for Flaw characterization and measurement of Residual Stress. Any Engineering component, when put in service, is designed to last for definite period referred to as Design Life of the component. There are many factors, which adversely affect the design life and lead to premature retirement of the component from service. Such Factors include unanticipated stresses (residual service), operation outside designed limits (excessive temperature, load cycling (, environmental effects, degradation of material properties in service eto. n the other hand there can be some favorable factors, which result in lesser degradation of the components than expected in its design life. Such factors include use of minimum value of Mechanical properties in design, factor of safety in design, conservative operation of unit, inaccuracy in data extrapolation, overestimation of corrosion effects etc.

Here line lies the importance of Residual Life Assessment (RLA) and Plant life Extension (PLEX) since constructing a new plant is always much more expensive than extending the life of the Existing plants. In this regard, non-destructive evaluation provides all the vital inputs necessary for assessment of structural integrity. The NDT study is of National importance since many operating powers, chemical and petrochemical plants are approaching their end of design life.

Non Destructive Testing

☸ Requirement for NDT

☸ Steel Yard such as TISCO, SAIL etc.

☸ Forging Plants for Inspection of Dies, forging etc.

☸ Steel Plants for Testing of Blooms.

☸ Existing installations like Sugar Plants, Thermal Power Plants, Distillery Plants, Petrochemical Plants, Refineries, Chemical Plants, Oil Reservoirs etc.

Protocols Followed

Some of the generally followed published literatures are as listed below:

  • ➾ Indian Standards Specifications (IS)
  • ➾ British Standards Specifications (BSS)
  • ➾ American Standards (ASTM)
  • ➾ International Standards (ISO)
  • ➾ German Standards (DIN)
  • ➾ Standard Books for Chemical Analysis

Specialized Studies

  • ➾ Studies on various types of Metals and Alloys
  • ➾ Quality Assurance Services
  • ➾ Product Differentiation
  • ➾ Method Developments
  • ➾ Non Destructive Testing, NDT
  • ➾ Failure Analysis


☸ Quality evaluation of metallic components for export purpose.

☸ Quality evaluation of disposable utensils made of aluminum foil

☸ Corrosion studies


☸ Inspection of Export Quality Metallic Wares.

☸ Inspection of Hospital Services Equipment.

☸ Inspection of Surface Defects at site.


☸ Setting up of new laboratory.

☸ Quality assurance services on turn key basis.