Minerals & Ores Testing Shreeji

Minerals And Ores

Economic development continues to be dependent on the exploration of natural Mineral Resources and their availability. The bulk of energy, fuel requirement and raw materials come from the mineral wealth of the country, which has enabled the industries to expand their activities, leading to the economic development of the country.

However, there is a great need for ensuring the safety and quality of materials being used.SHREEJI LABORATORY assists the industries by providing accurate, reliable and prompt testing services for evaluating minerals and Ores and other building materials as per National and International norms.

☸ Thrust Area Products

☸ Testing Parameters

☸ protocols

☸ Specialized studies

☸ Projects

☸ Consultancy

☸ Instrumentation

Minerals Ores - An Overview

Civilization began when man learnt to put Minerals to use. The Earth's Crust is made up of Minerals. The rocks ,in general ,contain two or three minerals, although mono-Mineralic rocks e.g. Rock Salt, Marble etc. are not rare. While minerals are generally composed of two or three elements, though a few minerals e.g; Sulphur, Diamond ,Graphite etc. have only one element.

Minerals are the Inorganic substances having definite chemical composition and certain characteristic properties. Though most of the minerals are of Inorganic origin, some like Amber, Petroleum and Coal are of Organic origin. These may not have fixed chemical composition or crystalline structure. Any substance in which geological process is involved in their formation has been grouped under mineral.

An ore is one that maybe used to obtain one or more Metals. Most of them are metallic such as Galena, which is mined for Lead. A few are non- metallic Ores such as Barite, Calcite, Kaolinite which are not mined for minerals

Types of Products Tested

Ceramic Materials

  • ➤ Kaolin (China Clay)
  • ➤ Ball Clay
  • ➤ Fire Clay
  • ➤ Wollastonite

Building Stones

  • ➤ Granite
  • ➤ Syenite)
  • ➤ Limestone
  • ➤ Basalt
  • ➤ Sandstone
  • ➤ Quartzite
  • ➤ Talc
  • ➤ Slate
  • ➤ Laterite

Cement Raw materials

  • ➤ Gypsum
  • ➤ Limestone
  • ➤ Coal Ash
  • ➤ Clay
  • ➤ Bauxite
  • ➤ Iron Ore


  • ➤ Sillimanite
  • ➤ Kaynite
  • ➤ Andalusite

Abrasive materials

  • ➤ Graphite
  • ➤ Emery Grains

Aluminum Ores

  • ➤ Gibbsite
  • ➤ Hematite
  • ➤ Diaspore
  • ➤ Boehmite

Magnesium Ores

  • ➤ Magnesite

Molybednum Ores

  • ➤ Molybdnite
  • ➤ Wulfenite

Zirconium Ores

  • ➤ Zirconite
  • ➤ Hyacinth

Copper Ores

  • ➤ Chalcocite
  • ➤ Chalcophyrite
  • ➤ Bornite
  • ➤ Coverllite
  • ➤ Azurite
  • ➤ Malachite

Lead Ores

  • ➤ Cerussite
  • ➤ Anglesite
  • ➤ Galena

Zinc Ores

  • ➤ Sphalerite
  • ➤ Smithsonite
  • ➤ Hemimorphite
  • ➤ Willemite
  • ➤ Franklinite

Mineral Pigments

  • ➤ Hematite
  • ➤ Chromite
  • ➤ Limonite

Fertilizer Minerals

  • ➤ Apatite
  • ➤ Rock Phosphate


☸ Tremolite

☸ Anthophylite

☸ Actinolite

☸ Chrysolite

☸ Amosite

☸ Crocidolite

Iron Ores

  • ➤ Magnetite
  • ➤ Hematite
  • ➤ Limonite
  • ➤ Siderite

Maganese Ores

  • ➤ Braunite
  • ➤ Polianite
  • ➤ Maganite
  • ➤ Pyrolusite
  • ➤ Rhodonite
  • ➤ Rhodocrsite
  • ➤ Hausmannite
  • ➤ Hollandite
  • ➤ Jacobsite

Testing Parameters

  • ➤ Loss on Ignition
  • ➤ Iron Oxide
  • ➤ Calcium Oxide
  • ➤ Sodium Oxide
  • ➤ Potassium Oxide
  • ➤ Barium Oxide
  • ➤ Boron
  • ➤ Cobalt
  • ➤ Arsenic
  • ➤ Mercury
  • ➤ Nitrogen
  • ➤ Total Moisture
  • ➤ Free Moisture
  • ➤ Combined water
  • ➤ Solid content
  • ➤ Free lime
  • ➤ Dead Burnt lime
  • ➤ Whiteness
  • ➤ Oil absorption
  • ➤ Acidity
  • ➤ Adsorption capacity
  • ➤ Adsorption capacity
  • ➤ Ratio of Ingredients
  • ➤ Cold crushing strength
  • ➤ Pyrometric Cone Equivalent
  • ➤ Permanent linear change
  • ➤ Fracture & Adhesion
  • ➤ Impact Resistance
  • ➤ BED Crushing strength
  • ➤ Silica
  • ➤ Magnesia
  • ➤ Chlorides
  • ➤ Phosphates
  • ➤ Manganese
  • ➤ Lead
  • ➤ Zirconium
  • ➤ Fluorine
  • ➤ Selenium
  • ➤ Heavy metals
  • ➤ Acid solubles
  • ➤ Acid insolubles
  • ➤ Water solubles
  • ➤ Sieve analysis
  • ➤ Free silica
  • ➤ Free lime
  • ➤ Bulk density
  • ➤ Apparent porosity
  • ➤ Alkalinity
  • ➤ Attrition loss
  • ➤ Swelling Power
  • ➤ Boil test
  • ➤ Dimensions
  • ➤ Thermal shock
  • ➤ Transmtttance
  • ➤ Odour in Emission
  • ➤ Ratio of Ingredients
  • ➤ Alumina
  • ➤ Titania
  • ➤ Sulphates
  • ➤ Copper
  • ➤ Chromium
  • ➤ Zinc
  • ➤ Nickel
  • ➤ Molybdenum
  • ➤ Tellurium
  • ➤ Carbon
  • ➤ Water insolubles
  • ➤ pH value
  • ➤ Volatile matter
  • ➤ Moh's hardness
  • ➤ Available lime
  • ➤ Carbonates
  • ➤ Specific gravity
  • ➤ Ash content
  • ➤ Oil content
  • ➤ Friability
  • ➤ Gel formation
  • ➤ Thermal shock
  • ➤ Fragmentation
  • ➤ Defects in Glass
  • ➤ Warpage
  • ➤ Corrosivness
  • ➤ Plasticity Index

Protocols Followed

  • ➤ International Standards (ISO)
  • ➤ Indian Standards (IS)
  • ➤ British Standards (BS)
  • ➤ American Standards (ASTM)
  • ➤ German Standards (DIN)
  • ➤ Standard Reference books for analysis of mineral ores

Specialized Studies

  • ➤ Detailed property profile studies of minerals from various sources.
  • ➤ Analysis of Raw materials from different cement manufacturing plants.
  • ➤ Comparative Studies of Refractories.
  • ➤ Trace metals analysis in Glass.
  • ➤ Hazardous metals study in the Toy manufacturing.
  • ➤ Complete Inorganic Analysis of the Scale/ Depositions of Boilers.


  • ➤ Products differentiation (ISO)
  • ➤ Developments of new Analytical Methods


  • ➤ Complete quality Assurance services on turn key basis
  • ➤ Setting up of new Laboratory


  • ➤ Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ UV -visible spectrophotometer
  • ➤ Selective ion analyzer (SIA)
  • ➤ Thermogravemetric analyzer
  • ➤ CHN analyzer
  • ➤ IR- spectrophotometer
  • ➤ Lovibond Refractrometer
  • ➤ Thermal conductivity Unit
  • ➤ Electro analyzer
  • ➤ Dean & Stark unit
  • ➤ Turbidometer
  • ➤ Digital pH meter
  • ➤ Conductivity meter
  • ➤ Adsorption capacity unit
  • ➤ Moh's Hardness kit
  • ➤ Strohelin unit
  • ➤ Soxhlet unit