Occupation Safety Shreeji

Occupation Safety and Health Monitoring

SHREEJI LABORATORY is involved in Monitoring the Occupational Safety & Health to ensure the safe workplace for the employees pertaining to Industrial Sector & Corporates. The major services for the Occupational Safety & Health Monitoring involves:-

Scope of Work

⇝ Development and Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Programs (Hazard Communication.

⇝ Respirator Protection, Confined Space, etc.)

⇝ Occupational Exposure Assessments

⇝ Ergonomic Assessment/survey

⇝ Evaluation of Hazard Control Methods

⇝ Hazardous Materials Management Strategies, Remedial Design, and Technical Support Services.

⇝ (Asbestos, ACM, Lead, PCBs, Mercury)

⇝ Noise Monitoring, Assessments, Modeling, Barrier Design and Control.

⇝ Illumination survey

⇝ Vibration survey(WB & Hand).

⇝ Ergonomic Assessment

⇝ Ventilation survey

⇝ Health and Safety Training Programs.

⇝ Accident Investigations, Job Safety Analysis, Risk Assessments

⇝ Manual Handling-Risk Assessment.

⇝ Indoor Air Quality Investigations, Monitoring and Testing.

⇝ Pre-Renovation/Demolition Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Surveys and Hazard Assessments.

We offer Risk Management Solutions as Safety Audit, HAZOP, HAZAN, Emergency Preparedness, Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), PSM Audit, EIA,HSE Audits, QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment).