Mechanical Calabration Shreeji

Mechanical Calibration Services

We offer a wide range of Mechanical Calibration Services.

Calibration Facilities:-

Dimensions, Pitch Dia, Flatness Absolute-0-100mm Relative - 0-700mm 0.5 to 850 mm Universal Length Machine – Easson Optoelectronics Slip Gauges-Mikronix And Lenght Bars-Mikronix Gauge Blocks, Threads measuring wires, Cylindrical Setting rods, Plain Ring Gauges, Step Gauge-Caliper Checker, Feeler Gauge, Radius Gauge, Plain Plug Gauge, Thread Plug Gauge, Thread Ring Gauge, Bore Gauge, Micrometer, Plunger and Lever type Dial Gauge, Snap Gauge, Plain Taper Gauge, Square Cylinder, V Block. Vernier/Dial/Digital Caliper, Height Gauge, Depth Gauge, Depth Micrometer
Pressure 0-1000Kg/cm2 Dead Weight Tester – Yantrika Pressure Gauge
Pressure 0-100Kg/Cm2 0-700kg/cm2 Load Comparator – Yantrika Dig. Pressure Gauge
Angle _____ Angle Gauge Set Bevel Protector, Angle Plate, Angle Protector
Force upto 500KN Electro-Servo-Hydraulic U.T.M. – 500 KN Proving Ring.
Force ______ Proving Ring – 25, 100, 200, 400 KN UTM
Mass upto 1 Kg. Standard Weights – Weigh India Weighing Machine etc.
Volume upto 1000ml Weighing Balance, Standard Weights – Weigh India Glasswares (Pipette, Burette, Beaker, Measuring Cylinder)
Flatness ----- Granite Surface Plate Calibrator – Rahn Planekator Calibration of Granite Surfaces.
Vibration Dispalcement - 0.001 to 4mm RPM - 60 - 99,990 r/min Frequency - 1 to 20KHz Vibration Meter Vibration Machine or objects
Torque 0-11 Nm Electronic Torque Tester – URYU Seisaker Small Torque Wrinches upto 11 Nm.