Food farm herbal Products Shreeji

Food, Farm and Herbal Products

The section dealing with the food and farm products focuses on the following thrust areas :

♦ Quality evaluation of various raw and processed food products

♦ Quality evaluation of food additives and food packaging materials

♦ Method development and validation of analytical techniques

♦ Studies on product differentiation

♦ Shelf life / stability studies of products at both ambient and accelerated conditions

♦ Inspection and certification of product quality

♦ Certification of packaging materials for food products

♦ Certification of materials used for serving food products

♦ Certification of organic food

♦ Evaluation of contaminants in foods

♦ Development of food products for special purpose

What are the various categories of food products usually analysed at SHREEJI LABORATORY ?

  • ➤ Functional foods
  • ➤ Milk and dairy products
  • ➤ Spices and Condiments
  • ➤ Raw and processed fruits and vegetables
  • ➤ Cereals and pulses
  • ➤ Sugar and confectionery
  • ➤ Food additives
  • ➤ Marine products
  • ➤ Beverages including alcoholic
  • ➤ Food packaging materials
  • ➤ Egg and poultry products
  • ➤ Meat and meat products
  • ➤ Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
  • ➤ Vegetable oils and fats

What do you mean by quality of food ?

Quality of food can be defined as specific criteria, which can be taken into account for a particular food to be used for an intended purpose.

What are the various factors which contribute towards quality of food ?

The various factors contributing towards quality of food are :

  • ➤ Appearance
  • ➤ Colour
  • ➤ Taste
  • ➤ Odour
  • ➤ Nutritional value
  • ➤ Adulterants
  • ➤ Contaminants (Physical, Chemical & Microbiological)
  • ➤ Hygiene

Why is it necessary to analyze and certify food products before or after processing ?

It is necessary to analyze and certify food products before or after processing :

♦ To know the quality of raw materials and final products,

♦ To understand occurrence of any physicochemical changes during processing or storage, and

♦ To ensure purity, freshness and safety of the food products at the time of consumption.

What are the quality Norms and Protocols followed for analysis ?

Analysis is done as per both National and International Standards with the following major protocols :

  • ➤ Bureau of Indian Standards
  • ➤ Agricultural Markings
  • ➤ Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
  • ➤ Fruit Product Order
  • ➤ Association of Official Analytical Chemists International
  • ➤ American Association of Cereal Chemists
  • ➤ American Oil Chemist's Society

◙ Sanitary WaresWater RepellentSquatting PanSilicon

  • ➤ American Spice Trade Association
  • ➤ American Dry Products Institute
  • ➤ American Public Health Association
  • ➤ SriLanka Standard Institution
  • ➤ In-house validated methods and procedures
  • ➤ Party's specifications

What are various parameters evaluated for certifying quality of food ?

In order to ensure the right quality of various food products, several parameters are evaluated as given below :

Test parameters
Methodology adopted


  • ➤ Viscosity

  • ➤ Elasticity & Extensibility of Dough
  • ➤ Falling Number
  • ➤ Oil absorption capacity
  • ➤ Water absorption capacity
  • ➤ Microscopic Examination
  • ➤ Specific gravity
  • ➤ PH
  • ➤ Scorched particles
  • ➤ Refractive Index
  • ➤ Optical rotation
  • ➤ Bellier turbidity temperature
  • ➤ Colour on Lovibond scale
  • ➤ Admixture
  • ➤ Insect infestation
  • ➤ Refraction
  • ➤ Hoake viscometer , Ostwald viscometer Brookefield viscometer
  • ➤ Alveo-Consistograph
  • ➤ Falling Number Apparatus
  • ➤ Remi Centrifuge
  • ➤ Remi Centrifuge
  • ➤ Compound Microscope
  • ➤ Specific gravity bottle
  • ➤ Digital pH meter
  • ➤ Scorched particle tester
  • ➤ Abbe Refractometer
  • ➤ Polarimeter
  • ➤ Visual
  • ➤ Lovibond Tintometer
  • ➤ Visual observation
  • ➤ Visual observation
  • ➤ Sieve test
  • ➤ Fat & oil, fruit pulp

  • ➤ Wheat flour
  • ➤ Wheat flour
  • ➤ Fiber, protein
  • ➤ Fiber, protein
  • ➤ Honey, Starch products
  • ➤ Oils, Alcoholic beverages
  • ➤ Most of food products
  • ➤ Milk powder
  • ➤ Oil & fat, Sugar syrup
  • ➤ Sugar, Syrup, Oil & fat
  • ➤ Oils
  • ➤ Oil, fat,
  • ➤ Cereals, pulses
  • ➤ Cereals, pulses
  • ➤ Flour


  • ➤ Moisture

  • ➤ Fat or oil
  • ➤ Protein
  • ➤ Starch
  • ➤ Sugars

  • ➤ Cellulose
  • ➤ Ethyl alcohol
  • ➤ Methyl alcohol
  • ➤ Higher alcohols
  • ➤ Esters
  • ➤ Total nitrogen
  • ➤ Aldehydes, furfurals
  • ➤ Ash
  • ➤ Crude fiber

  • ➤ Dietary fiber

  • ➤ Soluble fiber

  • ➤ Insoluble fiber

  • ➤ Pectin
  • ➤ Amino acid profile
  • ➤ Fatty acid profile
  • ➤ trans-Fatty acids
  • ➤ Water and oil soluble vitamins
  • ➤ Phytochemicals
  • ➤ Flavinoids
  • ➤ Alkaloids
  • ➤ Acid insoluble ash
  • ➤ Whey protein nitrogen index
  • ➤ Phosphatase activity
  • ➤ Alpha amylase activity
  • ➤ b -Carotene
  • ➤ Menthol
  • ➤ Tannin
  • ➤ Caffeine
  • ➤ Cholesterol , Phyto-sterols
  • ➤ Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese, Zinc, Silver, Gold, etc.
  • ➤ Chloride, Fluoride, Cyanide, Iodide, etc.
  • ➤ Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Copper, Cadmium, Tin, Aluminum, Nickel, Iron, etc.
  • ➤ Hot air oven Vacuum oven Karl Fischer titer Dean & Stark
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Chemical, HPLC

  • ➤ Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ GC
  • ➤ Spectrophotometer GC /Chemical
  • ➤ GC
  • ➤ Kjeldahl Unit
  • ➤ GC
  • ➤ Muffle furnace
  • ➤ Chemical

  • ➤ Enzymatic

  • ➤ Chemical

  • ➤ Chemical

  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ HPLC
  • ➤ GC
  • ➤ GC FTIR
  • ➤ HPLC Spectroflourometer
  • ➤ TLC HPLC
  • ➤ TLC Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ Falling Number / Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ HPLC Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ GC
  • ➤ Spectrophotometer Chemical
  • ➤ HPLC Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ HPLC GC Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ AAS

  • ➤ Specific ion analyser

  • ➤ AAS
  • ➤ Most of the food products, Animal feeds

  • ➤ Most of the food products, Animal feeds
  • ➤ Most of the food products, Animal feeds
  • ➤ Starch containing products
  • ➤ Sugar, Beverages, Confectioneries, other food products
  • ➤ Vegetables, fruits, feed, fiber
  • ➤ Alcoholic beverages
  • ➤ Alcoholic beverages
  • ➤ Alcoholic beverages
  • ➤ Alcoholic beverages
  • ➤ Food & feed products
  • ➤ Alcoholic drinks & beverages, Honey
  • ➤ Food & feed products
  • ➤ Animal feeds, Bakery & Confectionery, Cereals, Pulses, Starch & starchy products
  • ➤ Functional foods, Bakery & Confectionery, Cereals, Pulses
  • ➤ Functional foods, Bakery & Confectionery, Cereals, Pulses
  • ➤ Functional foods, Bakery & Confectionery, Cereals, Pulses
  • ➤ Fruit & vegetable products
  • ➤ Infant food, Neutraceuticals
  • ➤ Vegetable oils and fat, egg
  • ➤ Vegetable oils, Ghee
  • ➤ Infants, Herbal drinks, Infant food
  • ➤ Herbal products, Functional foods
  • ➤ Neutraceuticals
  • ➤ Tobacco products, Tea & Coffee
  • ➤ Milk powder
  • ➤ Milk and milk powder
  • ➤ Cereal flour, Barley, Malt
  • ➤ Vegetable oils, meat
  • ➤ Pan masala, Tobacco products
  • ➤ Tea, Coffee, Arecanut (Betelnut)
  • ➤ Coffee, Tea, Carbonated beverages
  • ➤ Egg, ghee, vegetable oils
  • ➤ Raw and processed food products

  • ➤ Processed food products

  • ➤ Food products, feed, additives, Canned foods


  • ➤ E. coli, Samonella, S. aureus, Shigella,Campylobacter,Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas, Clostridium sp.
  • ➤ Enterotoxin, Mycotoxins (Alfatoxins, Ochratoxin)
  • ➤ Microbiological methods ELISA

  • ➤ HPLC / ELISA
  • ➤ Dairy products, processed food products

  • ➤ Peanuts, Animal feeds, Milk


  • ➤ Chloramphenicol
  • ➤ Nitrofurans (Furazolidone, Furatadone, Nitrofurantoin, Nitrofurazone
  • ➤ Sulfonamide (Sulfadiazine, Sulfadimethoxine, Sulfadoxine, Sulfamerazine, Sulfanilamide, Sulfamethoxy pyridazine, Sulfathiazol, Trimethoprim)
  • ➤ Streptomycin
  • ➤ Tetracycline (Tetracyclin, Oxytetracyclin, Chlortetracyclin, Doxycyclin)
  • ➤ Oxytocin
  • ➤ Ronidazole
  • ➤ b -lactum
  • ➤ Steroids
  • ➤ Cs-134, Cs-137, I-131, Sr-90, Am-241, Pt-239

  • ➤ Dioxins
  • ➤ Organochlorine compounds (Hexachlorobenzene,Chlorobenzilate , pp-DDT, op-DDT, pp-DDE, pp-DDD, HCH (all isomers), Lindane, Vinclozolin)
  • ➤ Organophosphorus compounds (Coumaphos, Malathion, Phosalone)
  • ➤ Pyrethriod compounds (Cyfluthrin, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Permethrin, Fenvalerate, Fluvalinate)
  • ➤ Carbamates (Carbofuran, Propoxur, carbaryl)

  • ➤ Miscellaneous compounds (Amitraz, Bromopropylate, Chinomethionine)

  • ➤ TBHQ, BHA, BHT
  • ➤ Monoglycerides
  • ➤ Emulsifiers
  • ➤ Artificial & natural colours
  • ➤ Artificial sweeteners (saccharin, aspartame, etc.)
  • ➤ Benzoic acid, Sorbic acid, Propionic acid
  • ➤ LC-MS-MS
  • ➤ LC-MS-MS

  • ➤ LC-MS-MS

  • ➤ LC-MS-MS
  • ➤ LC-MS-MS

  • ➤ HPLC / RIA
  • ➤ LC-MS-MS
  • ➤ ELISA
  • ➤ TLC
  • ➤ Alpha, Beta and Gamma Counter

  • ➤ HPLC
  • ➤ GC-MS

  • ➤ GC-MS

  • ➤ GC-MS

  • ➤ GC-MS

  • ➤ GC-MS

  • ➤ HPLC GC-MS Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ HPLC TLC Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ HPLC

  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Milk, Honey
  • ➤ Milk, Honey

  • ➤ Milk, Honey

  • ➤ Milk, Honey
  • ➤ Milk, Honey

  • ➤ Milk
  • ➤ Milk
  • ➤ Milk
  • ➤ Herbal products

  • ➤ Milk powder, Chilly, fruits, vegetables, processed food products

  • ➤ Milk powder
  • ➤ Raw and processed food products, Animal feeds

  • ➤ Raw and processed food products, Animal feeds
  • ➤ Raw and processed food products, Animal feeds

  • ➤ Raw and processed food products, Animal feeds
  • ➤ Raw and processed food products, Animal feeds

  • ➤ Oil and fat, fat-rich products
  • ➤ Processed food products
  • ➤ Processed food products
  • ➤ Processed food products
  • ➤ Carbonated beverages, Low calorie products

  • ➤ Processed food products


  • ➤ Gambier
  • ➤ Urea
  • ➤ Neutralizer
  • ➤ Starch
  • ➤ Preservatives (Fomaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide)
  • ➤ Detergents
  • ➤ Argemone
  • ➤ Mineral oil, Animal body fat
  • ➤ Banned / Non-permitted dyes & colours
  • ➤ TLC
  • ➤ Spectophotometer
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Chemical Spectrophotometer
  • ➤ HPLC/Spectrophotometer

  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ TLC
  • ➤ TLC/FTIR
  • ➤ HPLC/ LC-MS-MS
  • ➤ Catechu
  • ➤ Milk
  • ➤ Milk
  • ➤ Milk
  • ➤ Food products

  • ➤ Milk
  • ➤ Mustard oil
  • ➤ Vegetable oil, Ghee, processed food products
  • ➤ Processed food products, Vegetables


  • ➤ Tin, Chromium
  • ➤ Sulphide stain
  • ➤ Laquer
  • ➤ Migration tests
  • ➤ Heavy metals like Pb, As, Cd,
  • ➤ Water vapour permeability
  • ➤ Identification of plastic materials
  • ➤ Physical tests
  • ➤ AAS
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ Physical Chemical
  • ➤ Chemical
  • ➤ AAS
  • ➤ Humidity chamber
  • ➤ Chemical FTIR DSC
  • ➤ Thickness gauge Universal testing machine Elmendrof tear tester Dart impact tester
  • ➤ Tin plate
  • ➤ Food cans
  • ➤ Tin cans
  • ➤ Food grade plastics
  • ➤ Coloured plastics
  • ➤ Plastics
  • ➤ Food packaging materials
  • ➤ Plastic packages