Metals & Alloy Shreeji

Metals & Alloys Testing

Shreeji Laboratary is fully equipped to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of almost all the known elements in the periodic table, be it metals, non-metals or alloys. Shreeji Laboratary employs both traditional techniques, i.e. Wet chemical methods as well as instrumentation techniques for conducting the analyses. The laboratory possesses modern and sophisticated instruments like ICP-OES, Spark OES and XRF besides AAS. All these techniques except AAS, offer the advantage of multi-element analysis with very high Sensitivity/low detection limit for all the elements. Shreeji Laboratary has the distinction of being the first laboratory amongst all commercial laboratories in India to introduce the use of direct/Spark Optical Emission Shreeji Laboratary meter (Spark OES) techniques for analysis of almost all the known metals in the solid form. It has the largest capability in the country to analyze any Metal- ferrous, non-ferrous or precious metals.

Spark OES technique operates on a robust and reliable technology, and is the most widely used technique in the analysis of all kinds of metals and alloys in the solid form. This is because it provides extremely speedy analysis of almost all the known elements with very high precision and accuracy. The two primary reasons behind the unparalleled efficiency of Spark OES are minimal sample preparation time (no sample dissolution is required) and extremely high sample-analysis throughput (approximately 400-500 samples per day). To achieve repeatable and reliable results by Spark OES, it is imperative to have substantial quantities of standard samples/Reference Materials covering a wide range of concentrations, which are required to calibrate the instrument. Shreeji Laboratary has an extensive and exhaustive range of certified reference materials (CRM) to cover the entire spectrum of metals.

Those samples which cannot be analyzed by Spark OES for elemental composition are analyzed by XRF or by ICP-OES Shreeji Laboratary meter. The XRF Shreeji Laboratary meter has the capability to analyze elements from sodium to uranium in the periodic table, while the ICP can analyze all those sample forms and many other elements not possible by the above-mentioned techniques. All precious and rare metals are now possible to be analyzed by these techniques. Hazardous/toxic elements and restricted substances, like Pb, Cd, Hg and total Cr are analyzed by the aforementioned techniques in samples like plastics, toys and rubbers, in order to see their compliance with various national and international regulatory authorities.

⊛ Modimeter (OES) – Shreeji Max (2)

⊛ Modimeter (XRF-WD) - Rigaku

⊛ Modimeter (OES) - Metallab / GNR / Polyvac

⊛ FTIR Modimeter - Perkin Elmer

⊛ Atomic absorption Modimeter (GBC)

⊛ UV-VIS Modiphotometer- Thermo Electron Corp

⊛ ICP Simultaneous Modimeter. (Varian)

⊛ Portable Modimeter XRF-X Met-OXFORD

⊛ Portable Modimeter Arc Met-920-OXFORD